Myar - PortraitAikurisu on DeviantArt

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Myar - Portrait



"Sometimes I wonder, Kae. About Myar. Isha must have felt you desired some true recognition for her creation, yes?"

"... you speak this for all my other children having white hair? That their manes remind many of Ilyn?"

"Admit it. You love this one most because she's different. The only raven haired child of Kaethyr..."

"I love all my children equally, Esther. From the first to the last, and Ilyn believes we will bear more."

"My, that's quite a prolific avowal. Nine children and still the desire for more?"

"As long as Isha continues to bless my lover's womb, we have no reason not to."

"So our people say. It is quite a special legacy to leave behind for your descendants to remember."

"Perhaps this is true, but I believe it will be the deeds of our children that will tell if such a legacy will be something to be proud of."

"Oh, I may not be a Farseer, brother, but I already foresee much for this daughter of yours. She will indeed make you proud."

-- Esther & Kaethyr

Well... despite the public's lesser interest for Myar of late, I decided she needed a portrait, so hope some like it. Enjoy. =)

Btw, I'm tempted to draw some familiar faces among the Eldar, (like Macha), but should I bother? Do I have enough reason to?

Artwork & Characters - © Kristopher P. Love // Eldar - © Warhammer 40,000
Image size
448x833px 201.94 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Aikurisu
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Stunningly beautiful