Eldar - Myar - IIAikurisu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aikurisu/art/Eldar-Myar-II-289209012Aikurisu

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Eldar - Myar - II



"Myar is indeed gifted, sister. However, I do not believe she truly knows what awaits her where we once travelled fleetingly."

"You are afraid that our past stories flirting with death and countless intrigues have lead her astray, then?"

"Your stories, Esther. Not mine. Not Ilyn's. We knew our limits well enough and were hardly reckless."

"Is that so? Then I dare not reminisce that time you singlehandedly fought a greater daemon on Illius Six?"

"... I do not think that counts as a true act of anything that would inspire my daughter's curiosity for such things."

"No? Well, what of the time when you battled alone through a dwelling of filthy orks, just to acquire a relic they took after slaughtering an army of stubborn humans for it?

"... the relic was essential for us to barter with that gluttonous merchant to leave the planet. Yet I fail to understand how this has anything to do with--"

"Or what of the time when you tried to solve that riddle that almost awoke an entire tomb world?"

"I told you many times the riddle was indeed solved... just not in the way we expected."

"Marrying Ilyn where many feared an Exterminatus would take place?"

"Esther... please... this point you make. Why speak it?"

"Why? For it was your stories that fascinated her most."

-- Kaethyr & Esther

Myar lived and breathed for adventure. With her father's spirit, her mother's constitution and her aunt's teachings, there was little that gave her pause in the universe to see with her own keen eyes. Her curious nature would indeed find her in many grim situations, yet never was the ninth child of Kaethyr and Ilyndrae's breeding ever at risk of losing herself to the whims of others and chaos itself. And while her exploits were likely never to overshadow the historical deeds of her parents, she would be remembered for the lives she touched and saved over a millennia, travelling the heavens to know her place among them and learn just how blessed her homeworld's system really was. Fortunately, the wisdom of her elders prepared her for what laid beyond, yet she still had much to learn.


After the amount of interest Myar's first drawing received, it inspired me to draw her again. So... enjoy!

In the meantime, I'm still working out the details of her armour's design. Her first version was massively inspired from researching the banshee armours in Dawn of War 2, and while I'm keeping much about it similar, I've removed some details to balance others and so on for a lore idea behind it I have in mind. So yeah, it's a work in progress and I may just update this one in time as I slowly figure things out. I was even tempted to draw her with a traveller's cloak this time around, but it would have covered up her armour a bit... I'll probably attempt that next with a story illustration... maybe.

Anyhoo! Questions? Comments? Want me to draw her artistically naked--HERESY! *BLAM* Always welcome. =D

Artwork & Characters - © Kristopher P. Love // Eldar - © Warhammer 40,000
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700x1244px 342.06 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Aikurisu
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Archanos's avatar
Amazing work, I love it, :D 
Blood, fresh, pure, strong & fair,