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Daily Deviation

June 25, 2014
A i r R i d e r by Chiikalicious
What an amazing Sonic Riders piece! The lights, colors, effects, and Sonic with the Blue Star II all look so awesome. Good work.
Featured by Ry-Spirit
Suggested by Hasil42
Aidenunu's avatar

Air Rider



An old piece i discovered two days ago oAo, it was lined, flat colored and almost done with shading so i decided to finish it, it's kinda old so sorry if the perspective or the angles are not correct ;n; enjoy!

EDIT: Woah! thanks so much for the DD I could never imagine having one ;A; thanks Sonikkudrawings and Ry-Spirit!
EDIT2: I fixed the hand that is holding the board (I was so annoyed that this picture has a DD with that misshapen hand XDD)
Image size
900x506px 679.59 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Aidenunu
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i rly love the perspective no joke but i dont know how high he si in the air so if u could have a pack of birds in their triangular formation that they have when they fly for perspective close or far away (ur choise) woould add a really nice touch to the piece. other than that i just fell like the hand he is using to hold the board with is jst a little bit to big for me to buy it especially when you compare the fingers from the other hand. And also i didnt notice that the cloud shape in the background was suposdly created from the trail of sonics board until i took a closer look at the cloud form because it seemed out of place. So i guess the only thing i would have u work on is just adding stuff that are notacable by eye other than that u nailed sonic and the board with the coulors light and gradient so AWESOME JOB ^_^ (if u thought i was unfair sry and also i dont speak english so if anything like words are weirdly spelled sry about that ;_<img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt=";)" data-embed-type="emoticon" data-embed-id="387" title=";) (Wink)"/>.