Tutorial: Dragon HeadAhyicodae on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ahyicodae/art/Tutorial-Dragon-Head-77495089Ahyicodae

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Tutorial: Dragon Head



I get lots of questions about photomanipulation. Mostly, "how do you do that?" Well, now my most secret techniques will be yours! In painstaking detail.

The truth is, photomanipulating a dragon takes me about 30 hrs., and it's fairly complicated and messy. For this tutorial to be useful to you, some basic familiarity with Photoshop is a MUST.

This is the head detail. The main dragon tutorial can be found here: [link]

Once you have a dragon, the tutorial on lighting and coloring can be found here: [link]
Image size
864x2232px 1.26 MB
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DVerissimo's avatar
Extremely helpful!! :D Followed the tutorial to make this: fav.me/d74hgtt