DragonAhyicodae on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ahyicodae/art/Dragon-77692534Ahyicodae

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Chinese dragon! Regent over the skies, she roams her domain, bringing with her a great storm.

Lower ranking deities do not mess with her. The phoenix challenged her for rule over the middle kingdom and was vaniquished. Not even Ninetails will tangle with the dragon, or attempt to trick or bargain with her, for the dragon is several millennia old and far too wise to be deceived.

... except by the Celestial Kitsune, who tricked her out of an ancient map once. It's a long story, and if the kitsune is ever caught by the dragon again, she's likely to be eaten.

For those interested, I have tutorials on photomanipulating a dragon:

Part I: Dragon Collage
Part II: Dragon Head
Part III: Lighting and Coloring

Thanks to *pricecw-stock for the snake stock! :)

Future possible projects include a phoenix, western dragon, and sea dragon. I will probably start with the phoenix, as I've been planning to design it for a while now. We'll see how busy things get. I may not be able to work on it before summer, but I've been wanting to do one for ages.
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