AS Hey Arnold #424AhernStables on DeviantArt

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AS Hey Arnold #424



SOLD to *Rivendale-Equestrian
Horse ID #424
Horse Registered name: KEC- Hey Arnold
Barn Name: Arny
Breed: Pure Nordanner :iconnordanner:
Registered: yes
Gender: Stallion
Age: 16 years
Height: 15.3 HH
Color: Light palomino (silver carrier)
Genotype: ee aa nCr nZ
Character: A soft hearted individual, but don't tell him I told you that. He comes off as no nonsense guy and only cares to his job, but it's just a front he puts up.

Used :iconagerskovart:'s Horse Personality Randomizer for the rest
Base Personalities-
-Nurturer: I am a truly warm and kind-hearted individual, and want to believe the best of others. I value harmony and cooperation, and am likely to be very sensitive to other herd/paddock members feelings.

-Never gets ill
-Can fall asleep anywhere.....and I mean anywhere

Worst Fear/Spook:
-Thermometers, you're going to put that WHERE?

Herd Mentality:
-I don't play, I don't goof - I'm very serious about eating my grass in peace.

Horse vs. Owner/Handler/Rider:
-Respect for handler

Favorite Treat:
-Sugar cubes

If I could talk, my favorite saying would be:
-"Oh I love kids, they are so itzy bitzy cute little people"

Quotes that somehow suits me:
-"If you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there" Will Rogers

Training: Basic training given, can be ridden
Tack: Daily + Dragon hunter full gear
Potions: None
Bloodline: foundation
Open for stud: No
Season 1 breedings:
1. KEC-Dane's Odessa #42
2. SKG Pathera #119
3. BHS Going Spotty 461
4. Heart of Atlantis 477
5. AC Sea of Cinders #1408
6. ES Aeterna 2245
7. Mother Confessor 2046
8. reserved for *BlackGlassButterfly
9. *AhernStables
10. Closed

After 200 Kaaring:
1. closed
2. closed
3. Closed
4. Closed
5. Closed
6. Closed
7. Closed
8. Closed
9. Closed
10. Closed

1. KEC-Darkest Before Dawn 335
2. KEC Road To Mordor 365
3. AS Shendu #1265
4. AS Captain Nemo #1486
5. AS Hera #1517
6. AS Samhain #2620
7. 3220 AS Dirt Devil

Breeding Rules!
AS Nordanner Breeding Rules___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- If a horse says it closed to breeding that mean it is closed!
- All notes and comments asking for a breeding to a closed horse will be ignored!!!
- Breeding slots open regularly to the horses, I will post these in either polls or journals.
- Please contact me by note if you are interested in a breeding slot that is open.
- Please remember to check the pedigree of each horse you want to use for breeding to ensure that the horses are in no way related.
- If a slot is marked as points/art/trade please contact me. This slot usually means I am open to hear what you would like to offer me.
- If point value/ trade description/ art description is given, I will not take any other offer but what is stated.
- Dominant mutation horses will cost more t


Past owners: :iconnomezy93:

Leased to: N/A
Born with stats:
Conformation: 10
Strength: 10
Gaits: 10
Courage: 10
Intelligence: 10
Stamina: 10
Speed: 10
Agility: 10
Balance: 10

Design Pic:

Riding Tack:

Dragon Hunting Tack:


Nordanner Kaaring by :iconagerskovart:

Current Level: :star:

AS-KEC Hey Arnold #424 Kaaring___________________________________________________________________________
Current star level: N/A
Applying for: :star:
New Star levels:
:star: 15 points
:star: :star: 30 points
:star: :star: :star: 45 points
:star: :star: :star: [Star!] 60 points
[Star!] [Star!] [Star!] [Star!] [Star!] 75 points - Horse can use the groups Best Mare/Best Stallion ribbon and title.
[Trophy] 200 points - Horse got 10 extra free breedings no matter gender and the title Excellent Blood.
[Trophy][Trophy] 400 points - Horse is titled Supreme Blood and got unlimited breeding spots BUT!! this is not an option for mutation horses AND owner of this horse must have created at least one hundred points on his own and proof this in kaaring info, so not all art can be created by others.
[Bullet; Yellow]One registration picture: 1 point
AS-KEC Hey Arnold #424

Gender: stallion

pose book, different photos that I own and on line and different line arts from DA and the net were used to help piece the lines of this work together.
Character is (c) to me
Breed and design are by :iconagerskovart:
Image size
2205x2025px 1.74 MB
© 2012 - 2025 AhernStables
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theliondemon-kaimra's avatar

thought i would let you know one of there family is now Quality Blood his name is 8585 Silver Surfer