ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
New Beginnings!
Some Words from the Artist So it has been a good and long while since I visited my deviantArt account and made some updates. But I am curently making plans which will include me cleaning out my gallery and becoming more active again.So be on the lookout!
agever Artist Features I am currently on the lookout for more Artists to feature.
The Journal of agever
"Beauty lies in the Eye of the beholder" A few Words from the Artist It's been a slow couple of months for me. I seem to have a hard time finishing projects at the moment. But I think it's just a temporary thing. I hope to soon have lots of new deviations to share with you all!Sincerly
agever Artist's Feature Time to show off the artist features:
You can find the complete "Artist Feature" collection here: Artist Feature ::thumb143515767:
:devctrl-alt-delete: Articles I have written Mood and Light Friends on Display :iconaffie...
The Journal of agever
"Beauty lies in the Eye of the beholder" A few Words from the Artist Summer is starting to come to an end. Soon there will be colourful leaves all around us and this lovely warmth will be going away. I have really enjoyed this summer. Thank you for this time of peace and serenity.I recently got a bike and I have been biking everywhere, and no short trips either! I found my way to the stables of a riding club and I hope to be able to start riding soon. I have always wanted to learn how to ride, but haven't had time nor money. But now, just maybe, it is possible. :) Well, I have adventure in my future. What do you see in your own future?Sin...
The Journal of agever
"Beauty lies in the Eye of the beholder" A few Words from the Artist So we are here, it is mid-july and I have had lovely time. I have just been trying to take care of myself and relax. I just yesterday finally made an update here on deviantart. It is great to have time for things. I hope you like my most recent work. "Marionette of Time". I feel like I'm evolving, and I love that feeling. It comes and goes, you know. Sometimes we feel like we're stuck and then we suddenly hit it just right and things just tumble their way onto a whole new level. I love being an artist, I think it's one of my best qualities. :)Hope you are having a great s...
© 2009 - 2025 agever
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awesome feature, thanks for including on of mine