Marionette of Timeagever on DeviantArt

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agever's avatar

Marionette of Time



There is no way to be released from the strings of Time.

So I did something different for this photomanip. I painted! I painted those arms from scratch. It's my first try mixing my own painted media with photos, and I think it turned out rather well (since I had a deadline as well). I also really like this concept and may do similar things in the future. There are a few quirks in this picture, but if you don't look too hard you won't see them. ;)

This is an Entry for the =ManipulateThis Clown Challenge.

[link] by: ~tia-stock

[link] by: =Tw1stedTruth-stock

[link] by: ~MellissaAF

[link] by: ~DestroyingAngels

[link] by: ~funerals0ng

[link] by: ~SheisprettyStock
[link] by: ~SheisprettyStock

Following Clubs/Deviants have my permission to post this artwork in their Galleries: =ManipulateThis *EliteArtists
Image size
768x1024px 780.27 KB
Shutter Speed
1/17 second
Focal Length
10 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jun 4, 2004, 10:16:01 AM
© 2009 - 2025 agever
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IreneLangholm's avatar
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Impact

My favourite part of this piece is definitely the arms, you did really well with them. I also the like the little details of the cracks on her skin. They emphasize that doll-like quality.
The strings also look nice and discreet.

As for the overall look, the background is a littlebit dark and seeing as she has black boots on, it cuts her off. The cane also disappears somewhat. A lighter and perhaps a less busy background would make up for that.
I'm also a little uncertain as to what the white cross on the ground means, but you surely made me interested to know. <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt=";)" title=";) (Wink)" />

Since the clock is of such a big scale in comparison to her it is tricky to make them look corresponding, so to speak. The clock is more blurred and grainy and so blurring the edges of the girl and perhaps even adding the slightest little grain filter would be beneficial.

Lastly the composition is a bit off. Putting something in the centre of a frame is risky and having the girl placed at the left tips the balance. By keeping the girl in that relationship to the clock, you might want to move the frame and leave more space behind her to even the balance. Either that or simply crop the left part of the piece. No shame in chopping a slice off of objects now and then, the entire clock does not necessarily have to be in the frame to make an effective concept.

I hope these little tips are of some help. Keep up the good work. <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt=":)" title=":) (Smile)" />