Have not been so busy around dA or any photo sites in a while.I changed camera systems early last month. After some reflections and research I decided to part ways with Olympus and go full frame. I chose to get into Nikon with the D700 and I am very pleased with this decision. I am very impressed with the file quality of true 14 bit files and the tonal range. They print up excellently to A3 and beyond if needed. It was a bit of a difficult decision because it meant not being able to post anymore at another fourthirds dedicated site.I hope to share some images over the next while if anyone out there is still interested!
Check out this guy :iconleenik:Who got a DD for :thumb114495323:some other pictures :thumb86208707: :thumb87146166: :thumb109364538: :thumb102069804: :thumb115026172:
... that America voted for Obama.It reminds me of a line from Bob Dylan. 'I want to believe in the mercy of the world again'.No other news worth talking about.:iconfineart-photography: :iconsixbysix:
Thanks very much for your feature here Horst. t brings back very happy memories for me from our time on mft. I dont visit photosites much anymore these days. Maybe sometime again soon but in the meantime thanks very much for your kindness which is much appreciated. Best wishes, Eugene