FurnaceAexion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aexion/art/Furnace-64157856Aexion

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Daily Deviation

December 27, 2007
This unbelievable render has left me speechless! I could wax rhapsodic with a number of adjectives about how astonishing I think it is, but all I will say is..."I wish I had made that!" Feast your eyes upon Furnace by *Aexion
Featured by Sophquest
Aexion's avatar



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This fractal touches the frontier between pure fractality and art; the recursion isn't easy to perceive, even if it is fractal.
If you look closely, you will notice that the camera is looking at the top of a sphere of metallic stairs, on top of which there are smaller stair-spheres... and so on...
Created in the original Incendia version.
Image size
1344x840px 1.57 MB
© 2007 - 2025 Aexion
anonymous's avatar
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monkeyprint's avatar

I can't get over that I'm the first person from the time of posting looking at a count of 80K views and I am the first to award you a badge! To say this is underrated is an understatement.
