Lego SW Darth Vader and His Subordinates StampAESD on DeviantArt

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Lego SW Darth Vader and His Subordinates Stamp



Another Lego Star Wars Darth Vader Parody! :icondragonlaugh: :lmao:

:icondarthvaderplz::iconsaysplz: You've failed me for the last time Admiral! :evillaugh:

Subordinates:iconsaysplz: *argue over who will die*

:icondarthvaderplz::iconsaysplz: *sighs* Why can't I ever get men who are useful!

:iconaesd::iconsaysplz: *rolls eyes* Well maybe if you didn't Force Choke them they'd be a bit more helpful, instead of peeing themselves in your presence! :icondragonlaugh: :pointandlaugh:

:icondarthvaderplz::iconsaysplz: *grumbles and shakes head* Mutton heads! :facepalm:

Taken from Lego Star Wars Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Out

Stamp © :iconaesd:

Lego Star Wars © Lego, George Lucas and Disney

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99x55px 2.41 MB
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