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(OLD) Dizzy Ratstein


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I was looking through my old instagram art account and saw this one! I've been actually considering posting it for a little bit now and finally decided to post it, I made this on June 30th 2023 of Dizzy Ratstein from a comic from the '70s called Mickey Rat, In the '70s a whole bunch of Mickey Rat T-shirts sold and were so popular that it turned into a comic, and I've always loved Dizzy since he seemed like a cool dude and he was a bunch of fun to draw!

BUT ANYHOO!! I've hesitated on posting it as mentioned because I didn't feel too proud of how his face turned out, he looked more like mickey mouse to me here rather than what he looks like in the comics lol but I do really like how the rest of the stuff turned out. I wanna redraw this someday but I remember that trombone thingy being sooo tedious and difficult since I've never drawn one before, but at the same time avoidance does not make for good practice!!! so maybe I will redraw it sometime > : )
Image size
1600x1581px 522.85 KB
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