I draw :) I'm a professional illustrator and lead character artist at indie game developer Molly Rocket. I hardly ever check deviantART, so if you'd like to contact me you can reach me at aerettberg@gmail.com!
Commissions are currently closed... sorry!Check out my art blog! I update it with doodles and sketches that I don't put on here- http://annarettberg.blogspot.com/Tumblr: http://annarettberg.tumblr.com/
Society6 Shop: http://society6.com/AnnaRettberg
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Anna-Rettberg-Illustration/73706194929
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aerettbergYou can contact me at aerettberg@gmail.com.Thanks all :)
Happy Early Birthday, Anna Rettberg. If I misspelled your name in any way whatsoever, I beg and beseech thee to both inform me of what/where and to forgive me my goof-up. Sincerely one of your hopefully entirely too many fans; Adalack.