REMINDER - January Challenge

4 min read

Deviation Actions

Aeirmid's avatar
Hello, Arts-and-Health!!

Welcome to your January Challenge!
Your theme for this month is:

Those who came before me

"Those who came before me" refers to mentors, elders, leaders, and others who walked our path before we did and led the way. Perhaps they survived their journeys; perhaps they did not. Who has touched your life and inspired you to take it day by day? Show or tell us a story of those who have helped you cope with your condition or those who have done so admirably before you did. Who inspires you?  (If you do not have a health condition, you can show or write about someone who dealt with illness gracefully).

In your artist's comments, please make it clear that you have created your piece for our group. (If we can't tell that it is relevant to coping, we will not accept your piece into the Challenge.) Also, it should be a new deviation (made on or after January 1, 2013). 

All media are accepted. Photomanipulations must use LEGITIMATE STOCK and must CREDIT all resources.
Submit your deviation(s) to the January Challenge - Before Me folder in the group's gallery.
You can enter as many times as you wish.

At the end of the month, the group will choose one winner, and that winner will receive 1,000 dA points from moonbeam13 and Community Relations (communityrelations).

This challenge will end on January 31, 2013 at 11:59 PM PST (dA time). That is February 1st at 3 AM EST, 8 AM GMT, and 9 AM CET.

Don't forget: You can still submit other work not related to this theme to any other folder in our group's gallery. :D

Thanks, everyone! We can't wait to see what you come up with!

CSS edited with permission from TwiggyTeeluck
© 2013 - 2024 Aeirmid
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magicwingsforever's avatar
Hi, I am here on behalf of #AnotherContestGroup I =magicwingsforever have listed your contest in our journals. Feel free contact us if you have any questions or deadline/details changes, but be sure to check our FAQ [link] first! We did this to help get your contest more noticed with over 7000 watchers currently all with a common interest of contests - perhaps watch us if you're not already for this and more information. Also please send us a note if you’re interested in our ‘Winners Package’ which is free and gets you more prizes for your contest.
Thank you. :iconmagicwingsforever::iconanothercontestgroup::iconacg-pointsdonations: