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Tightrope Theatre



Tightrope Theatre is my Ludum Dare 31 entry created in under 48 hours. Theme: Entire Game on One Screen. Check out the game's Ludum page here:…

Welcome to the Tightrope Theatre! it's showtime and you are the main star, so hop on a unicycle and start performing! Watch out though: The unicycle is hard to control, and the stage keeps getting more and more various traps, err, props, the further in act you get! Tightrope Theatre is not responsible for death or dismemberment.

Arrow keys or WASD to move and jump
M mute music
Esc return to stage select.
Enter to proceed in menus.

You can use enter and esc to move in the menus without clicking buttons.

More games:
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Image size
864x576px 3.24 MB
© 2014 - 2024 AdventureIslands
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FXInfinity's avatar
Wow. This is a crazy game, really. :o (Eek) 

First, the constant slip movement makes it hard to time things well (you're constantly trying not to fall off the platforms). 

Second, you have to time things. With the above mentioned, simple timing usage becomes hard to master.

I think we can all agree this is an amazing game for only 48 hours.

Nice work! Clap