We are looking for a co-founder to help approve submissions. We're looking for somebody organized and willing to help direct art submissions to the correct folder.As always, you must know how to:
-Vote on deviations to be accepted into the group
-Be nice
-Be active
-Respond to members that need helpIf you are interested, please reply here or in a private note to the group telling us why you are interested and your previous experience with running groups!:iconthankyouplz:
ALGEBRAIC! A NEW WEEKLY CONTEST HAS ARRIVED! Greetings and salutations to the talented artists of Adventure-Time-club! Some of you may have noticed a recent addition to our submission folders below- the "/r/adventuretime banners" folder (the last folder located at the very bottom). This folder will be the staging ground for a new weekly 'contest' of sorts. Every week we invite artists to submit a banner image of Adventure Time content. But to what end, you ask?Well, I'll tell you. Every Monday the mods over at www.reddit.com/r/adventuretime will vote on an image that was submitted to the '/r/adventuretime banner' folder to be displayed...
A WINNER IS YOU! We appreciate all of the wonderful submissions during this contest. You all made it super tough to decide the winners, but a decision had to be made. Even with eight judges, the results were exceptionally close (especially for third place)!So here are the results you've been waiting for! Scroll down to see the winners!:iconrainicorndividerplz::iconrainicorndivider2plz::iconrainicorndivider2plz::iconrainicorndivider2plz::iconrainicorndivider2plz::iconrainicorndivider3plz::iconrainicorndivider4plz:
Greetings Mighty Adventures! It is such a big honor for us to hold our contest!
And thus, we shall summon all the contestant f...