Storms makeradrianamusettidavila on DeviantArt

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Storms maker



I found a text published by my friend Jan :iconmadink2000: that explains the origins of Halloween, I think it is very interesting so I'm reproducing it here:

Halloween originates in Ireland over 3000 years ago. It was called "Samhain" and Celts and Druids celebrated it with animal sacrifices for Gods around first of November as a harvest festival. At this special day of the end of a summer and beginning of winter, peasants believed that at this  special time of change, spirits can walk among the living! Later, Christians and Church established it as a day of remembrance not only of all saints which were not on the calendar but all who departed. Name "Halloween" itself is a contraction of the earlier name: All Hallows (Saints) Eve (evening)

This is my entry to  A HALLOWEEN CHARACTER CONTEST!!*!Hello Everyone and good morning.
First of all, I want to welcome all our new members who join our new group
:iconworld-of-art-kingdom: .
With a new changes and a very amazing administration we will work harder
on getting this group to the top.
 I hope that this contest will be for your fun and enjoyment.
If you not a member you should join us now,

in order to have a privilege to share your wonderful art and participate in our events. :heart:
C O N T E S T  T H E M E :

As we going forward , the halloween is very close, and what is better and fun than this event. A lot of people love and enjoy Halloween ,
 by :iconworld-of-art-kingdom: World-of-Art-Kingdom

Details   Storms-maker-witch-detalle by adrianamusettidavila

Jack 0 Lantern. HAPPY HALLOWEEN Jack 0 Lantern. 

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TeroPorthan's avatar
Wonderful picture! Love