The DeviantArt #HolidayCardProject returns for its 12th year! With the goal of bringing a little holiday cheer to patients in hospitals during the holiday season, the Holiday Card Project connects artists and allows them to apply their artistic abilities to design and create meaningful, uplifting holiday greeting cards.The idea behind the Holiday Card Project is simple: do something nice for others. If you're looking for additional incentive, every deviant who mails in a card will be given a free one-month Core Membership as our thank you for participating. Last year , we received over 2,500 greeting cards from thousands of deviants fr...
Autumn is here and it's chilly and rainy, but I'm still in a Summer mood So, here's a selection of my "warm colors" works And some works I've faved recently Enjoy
These is the last feature before my current membership will expire. Sadly I haven't taken enought advantage of it, but I'll try to be more careful with the next one.This feature doesn't have a specific theme (again), and I tried to group the photos based on colours!So I picked up some blue And lovely green Strong violet Powerful red Yellow and orange And mixed everything with some black and white! But to finish this feature I picked two drawings that draw my attention! This Disney drawing showing two characters in a very different way from how I see them. And this mesmerizing owl that I k...
A couple of months ago I was in a "stamp mood" so I decided to make a 30 days Stamp Project !Yes, it was a long time ago and I'm talking about it only now bevause I never had the chance before Bellow you can see all of the stamps I made for this project (descending order). The inspiration was mostly silly things from my childhood, current stuff I like and a few .gif's I like.The main source was, with a few exceptions, Tumblr (so I do not claim property on the images/gifs). I'll admit I got fed up after the 15th stamp and it was hard finding more inspiration but I'm pround of the final result! These project didn...