Learning to See - A TutorialAdorkaStock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/adorkastock/art/Learning-to-See-A-Tutorial-196300314AdorkaStock

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February 11, 2011
Learning to See - A Tutorial by *SenshiStock Suggesters Words: This tutorial explains a fundamental aspect of improving one's art: learning to "see" like an artist. I think too often, these basic skills are overlooked when they can prove so beneficial if practiced. Not only does SenshiStock's advice in this tutorial take the intimidation out of figure drawing, but it teaches artists how to give those drawings "life."
Featured by shelldevil
Suggested by Muirin007
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Learning to See - A Tutorial

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I can't even remember when I started this. It was a long time ago, at least three years. Originally I wanted to include it with the Best of SenshiStock book but I never developed it as much as I wanted to for the book. Instead of keeping it unfinished forever on my harddrive where no one would see it, I finally just decided to upload it here. It's really incomplete but I hope the basic stuff I talk about will be helpful.

The initial pose used is Sailor Pose 51 by SenshiStock

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards can be found at DrawRight.com. (It's a great book, really amazing.)

I really hope that some of you get a lot of use from this! :heart: Huge image is huge.

You can use other techniques in combination with this one (like using balls and boxes for different parts of the body). Use all the tools available to you to make the best art you can make!

Want more tutorials like this one? Start here: whitetrashpalace.deviantart.co…

Want to be able to work from more than one reference instead of just relying on finding 'the perfect pose'? Check out: The BASICS : Using References by Shattered-Earth

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Interesting progress for artists