Female Gun Pack 1 - Pose ReferenceAdorkaStock on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/adorkastock/art/Female-Gun-Pack-1-Pose-Reference-340482996AdorkaStock

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AdorkaStock's avatar

Female Gun Pack 1 - Pose Reference



Some of these are rotated and cropped from the original files in the download.

Because I've had a few people ask: the handguns we used in this set are an M9 and a Sig. Both are replicas and not functioning firearms. I don't know anything else about them or which is which but if you need more specific details about them, I'm sure jademacalla can help if you send him a message. :thanks:

I have very little training in the use of a handguns. These photos were taken with a fantasy/magical approach in mind; please consider this when using them for reference.

Please refrain from making comments about the model's ability.

This collaboration was funded through Kickstarter. Thanks for your support!

Credit to jademacalla for the photography on these. :heart:

Older gun stock:
Point Blank - Pose Reference by SenshiStockPow Pow by SenshiStockSailor Gun 14 by SenshiStockFemme Fatale by SenshiStock


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CaikSlyce's avatar

Thank you so much for these! Helped me very well creating this artwork for my recent release!