Thoughts - Am I Fat?Adila on DeviantArt

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Thoughts - Am I Fat?



Am I Fat?
Stop making a fuss about my appearance. It's making me too self conscious!

Well.. pretty much most girls will keep on asking this question over and over again :giggle:
If you ask me why.. I really can't come out with an answer. It depends on the person itself; maybe for self satisfaction, or maybe it's for other people

There are people who look good being on the chubby side :)

I'm not trying to make anyone feel offensive; if you like the way you are, then be it! :D as long as it's healthy (psshh like I'm one to talk :XD:)

I've gotten way to conscious about my weight and lately I've been cutting down on my food intake, seriously a lot which I wish I could snap out of it. I always have to fight the urge to vomit back whatever I've eaten when I eat a bit more than usual. It's so not healthy :(

Anyway, the point that I'm trying to make here is, when it's about other people appearance, try not to say much about it unless they are your close friends or something whom you are so sure that won't feel offended if you say something.

Some people just say what they want to say without thinking how the other person would feel about it.
It's just wrong pointing at someone saying YOU'RE FAT when that person is actually not fat, but pretty normal. It's frustrating when people treat being thin as normal when the truth is, they are underweight (not all)

I love eating, just leave me alone and let me eat to my heart content! grrrr!!

....I'm rambling aren't I? :giggle:

blog: Adila
photo gallery: alidaron.deviantArt
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Man-the-harpoon's avatar
If you are heavier than the average weight for your height then you are fat.