Fashion Design Final Sketch 1Adella on DeviantArt

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Fashion Design Final Sketch 1



This was one of the three sketches I did for my Fashion Sketching II class. The design is not by me; unfortunately we were not allowed to design our own outfits. The coat I found in one magazine clipping and the skinny pants in another. I thought they'd look interesting together so I combined them. The final exam was not a creative examination but a technical one.


Colored Pencil
Prismacolor Markers
Micron Pens

anyway the scanner at my school sucks so it really didn't take down a very sharp image. Perhaps I'll try to scan it again next week.

She's very tall and skinny because she is the 9 headed fashion figure. This was done on purpose and is not a proportion accident.
Image size
608x1096px 425.27 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Adella
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ilikelaughs's avatar
very nice.- I love the way the skinny pants have a shine, almost like leather- very detailed.
im using colored pencil only for my designs, but i want to get into better mediums etc...
Can you rate some of my work, and give constructive criticism.