I haz pizzaadele on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/adele/art/I-haz-pizza-150079735adele

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Daily Deviation

January 17, 2010
I haz pizza by *adele is a cute little emoticon with a lovely expression and very smooth animation! Run for your life with pizza!
Featured by mintyy
Suggested by BurgerBunny
adele's avatar

I haz pizza



I like pizza so much I decided to make a happy girl running toward me with slice of my faveourite flavor.
Image size
37x30px 1.64 KB
© 2010 - 2025 adele
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sakura-the-kunoichi's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

Just absolutely cute! I love how smooth the animation was, and each little detail was just perfect!
The colors:
Well, considering your icon and such i am assuming you like the color pink. :3 pink was a good color choice, but I think another color may have made the pizza stand out more. For example, if the emote was blue, then the hands would be more noticable from the pizza. Or were you sticking to that color-scheme on purpose?
In my view, its expression would probably be more towards a wide, open happy face, like : D Im not sure exactly what emotion you were going for, which makes it a bit confusing.

Oh yes, running away for your life with that pizza. Very unique, i gave it 4 because it just doesnt have that "click" that makes you think "OOOOOH that's interesting, i never thought of that!"

Very smooth animation! Ive tried animating before, and it was DEFINITELY not my strong point XD As i said earlier, that each part of the animation is just perfect! The small bits flying off as well as the tip of the pizza bouncing makes all the difference.

So all-in-all, it's a well made animation and the title goes along well with the humor. Each little pixel has such an important part; all the way down to those little green specs you put in. Great job! <img src="e.deviantart.net/emoticons/p/p…" width="35" height="19" alt=":pat:" title="Pat pat" />