My name is Addy1235.It was supposed to be Addy1234 but someone took it.
Check out this song!
www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PC7B7...Cookie Monsters Wife:

My newest story.A Drama/Family/Comedy/Action/Adventure

The New Agent pt.1Location:EPF HQ
Point of Veiw:Rookie
Time:NightSome of you like her,some of you hate her.But we all know her name!And her name is:...CadenceCadence is that party penguin we have all come to know and love.I got a quick glimpse of her out the window.She was like no other penguin.With her purple dyed hair,pink and yellow scarf and green headphones,you can see why she`s so famous.But she was ready for her secret life today.I was confused.I think she`s swell and all,but it`s not at all average that someone like...well...her can be an agent.Things have been differant ever since the blackout.I was more serious,Gary was smarter,Dot was goofier,Jet...

The New Agent pt.2"Well see ya later!"She said to me as she went to Gary."Yeah!You too!"I said.I went back to work."Well that was a way to introduce yourself right there,mate!"Said a voice.I turned around.It was PH!My best friend!"PH!!!"I shouted with glee!We hugged.Me and PH were the best of pals.Be leave it our not PH thinks i`m a better friend then her favorite puffle ever!The brown one!And I felt the same way about her!"Hows stuff!?""Rookie,i still can`t be leave the ever so famous Cadence is here with us!"She said."Neither can i!This is so exciting!!!It`s not like everyday were an agent like her gets on the team!"I said so excited i would of burst."But...

Some of my Couples i support
Cadence x Rookie (Cookie)
Cadence x Franky (Cranky)
Aunt Artic x Gary (Gartic)
PH x Mayor Penguin(an OC i made) (Mayor Handler)
Ph x Rookie (Puffkie)
Modicai x Margrett
Rigby x Eilein
Kitty x Dudley
Kitty x Keswick (sometimes)
Crossover Couples i Support:
Kitty Katswell (T.U.F.F Puppy) and Jet Pack Guy (Club Penguin)
PH (Club Penguin) and Dudly (T.U.F.F Puppy)
Aunt Artic (Club Penguin) and Keswick (T.U.F.F Puppy)
Rigby (Regular Show) and Kitty Katswell (T.U.F.F Puppy) (Kigby)
Rookie (Club Penguin) and Rainbow Dash (MLP:FIM) (Rookie Dash)
Here is a quiz all about my penguin on Club Penguin.
www.quizyourfriends.com/take-q...I watch Jimmy Neutron!I love sheen!He`s funny,cool,epic,hilarios,random,crazy,and,uh,what was i talking about?
I`m also a big Lyra fan!

Does one human really need all these pictures of me?


can deafeat Gannon!

What about that link guy?


...................................Okay. :/
I also support Appledash.

NOTE:I havn`t seen the movie.I just thought the EQG version of Rainbow Dash was...Cute.
My Favorite Pony`s:

Guess the Original Show and Episodes.No prize,but still fun to do.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I AM SPITFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DESTROYER OF EVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take it easy.It`s just a drawing.

Oh,i wanna be the daddy!

I don`t think you can Applejack,you never shave!

Dust to Dash,Dust to Dash!Testing!Testing!Testing,testing,testing,testing,testing,testing!TESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TEST,TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO YOU REEEEEEEEEEEEEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????

I love you.

I`m gonna be a wonderbolt!And it`s only gonna take one more year!One more year!One more super duper year!One more super spentactical extra fantasical year!

Welcome to our club!Welcome to our club!Welcome Luna,Welcome Luna,Welcome Luna,Welcome Luna,Welcome Luna!