Wonder WomanAdamMasterman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/adammasterman/art/Wonder-Woman-425690142AdamMasterman

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AdamMasterman's avatar

Wonder Woman



This weeks sketch topic over at Penciljack.  I didn't really set out to do a re-design; more like I've just gotten sick of drawing stupid female costumes.  Things like boob-armor.  And high-cut bathing suit costumes.  Basically all the blatantly fetishized tropes that are somehow still around in 2014; things that make you embarrassed to admit you read comics.  Anyway, I just roughed in what I thought made sense as a costume, and ended up getting all into the re-design aspect (bucking the weird current trend of sheet-metal costumes).  *More* superhero-y, more colorful and bright, but also something that reflects some of the dignity that the character should embody.  Diana grew up in an all-female society; she should be completely free from all the self-image dysfunction we program into women in our society.  She's strong, capable and brave, and completely confident in all these aspects of herself.  That's the idea, anyway, and probably more over-thought than this modest sketch warrants.
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900x876px 217.35 KB
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© 2014 - 2025 AdamMasterman
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Comic-Book-Guy-2099's avatar
I have NEVER liked Wonder woman's design, THIS is what she should wear. ARMOUR! Not a metal covered swimsuit