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adamlhumphreys's avatar

The Princess of the Night, OOAK ATM


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Thank the LORD God that I had the patience and endurance to finish this while actually maintaining my sanity. :iconlunahuzzahplz:


Want to know how I made her? Check out my Patreon! :iconpatreon-plz:

EDIT: Posted on EqD!… I had no idea they'd make a special post just for her! :iconexcitedpinkieplz:
EDIT 2: Updated pic.

LED Luna! OOAK by adamlhumphreys LED Luna Mane and Tail Animated by adamlhumphreys

Luna has been sold, but will be a commission item. (For reference:… )


Special thanks to :iconpiquipauparro: and :iconnimaru: for promoting this girl. Thank you! :thanks:


So, here’s my first ever princess, Luna, and electronic integrated plush, (however, far from my first electrical design and fabrication). :w00t: Sound in plushies is commonplace, so little over a year ago, I thought “What could I do that hasn’t been done?” Sure, LEDs have been done before too, and probably EL-wire, but where would it look good? Luna was the answer. :iconlunashappyplz:

I tried to look up twinkling LEDs or a per-written program that actually twinkled LEDs fairly randomly like stars, but I found nothing and programmed them myself instead. Okay, so what else could I do more than mere LEDs? Eyes, and glow-in-the-dark thread wasn’t going to cut it. I’ve never seen backlit embroidery before, so that was going to be my next development goal! :iconlunamadplz: :D

Run-time test results using 3 AAA alkaline batteries (LEDs in highest duty cycle, mode 4):
:bulletgreen: 5 hrs, 22 min with LEDs + EL wire
:bulletgreen: 9 hrs, 44 min with LEDs
:bulletgreen: 3 hrs, 10 min with LEDs (fairly dim at this point, but still visible in the dark)
Total run-time: 18 hrs, 16 min

NOTE: I’d recommend rechargeable NiMH batteries for possibly better performance, but it’s not a must. I probably could’ve ran the EL wire longer, but was having an issue that has since been resolved. Apparently the manufacture’s EL wire termination on one wire in the mane was shorting, thus turning it off and sometimes dimming it apart from the others. This also happened on one of my own terminations on one of the tail wires, but that was resolved during early QA testing.

Electrical Specs:

:bulletpurple: 116 3mm bright white LEDs (42 are in her eyes)
:bulletpurple: Redundant buttons
:bulletpurple: 4 modes for mane/tail LEDs and eyes, 6 modes for EL wire (3 speeds, 2 directions)
:bulletpurple: 3 AAA batteries
:bulletpurple: 1 amp fuse (just because I can)
:bulletpurple: 2 ATmega328P processors
:bulletpurple: 1 ATtiny84 processor
:bulletpurple: 24 AWG wire connecting LEDs [Edited because I referenced the labeling and actually used bigger wire than I thought. :XD: I typically use a size smaller with the wire strippers.]
:bulletpurple: 22 AWG wire connecting buttons, EL-wire, etc.
:bulletpurple: 18 AWG wire from batteries to main circuit
:bulletpurple: About 302 point-to-point hand soldered connections, not to mention the circuit boards themselves, (I’ve been soldering since about 10 years old ^^)

Plush Specs:

:bulletblue: Minky fabric for body, inner mane/tail, and accessories
:bulletblue: Organza for outer mane/tail
:bulletblue: Machine embroidered eyes and cutiemarks
:bulletblue: Removable accessories
:bulletblue: Wire in wings for support
:bulletblue: Firmly stuffed with Premium Polyester Fiberfill
:bulletblue: 18" high from hooves to top of head, 22 3/4" with horn

See more plushies here:…

• My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro

Image size
2400x2700px 2.06 MB
Shutter Speed
1/3 second
Focal Length
32 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Sep 20, 2014, 5:41:29 PM
© 2014 - 2024 adamlhumphreys
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