I'm a big fan of virtually all sci-fi works and universes.
I am mostly inspired by Star Wars and Star Trek art, since they were the foundation of my childhood television and cinema memories.
I learned to appreaciate the timeless designs that were created by all the amazing artists and I decided to go my own way while creating new stuff. I love all of the classics but I prefer to do things my own way, giving my creations their own unique looks and feel, to which I can relate more easily.
I am also a huge car design fan and just as I do with the starships, I don't try to recreate things that we are all familiar with. I love to discover prototypes and unreleased concept cars, rebuilding them in 3D afterwards.
Star Wars
Star Trek
General sci-fi
Other art
Because I watched you
You wanted me to watch you in return
Because you're just a creeper who only watches from a distance
You're a spam bot (I don't know if bots can vote though)
Ferrari Rossa
Hispano Suiza H21
Alfa Romeo 2uettottanta
bentley hunaudieres
Hey Adam when are you gonna come back to DA what's going on?!
Hey Adam , did you get my email regarding the potential art theft?
Hey man, Hope you are ok, We were working on the Stalwart and just about done when I lost all contact with you.
Hey you should submit your art for the contest
I’ve messaged you we talked like months ago in messages and nothing… have you been busy or just ghosting me?
You are awesome.
As the discoverer of a certain well-known Egyptian tomb once said, ''Wonderful things!'' - and this describes your work to a T. On my watch!