Wonder Woman EncyclopediaAdamHughes on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/adamhughes/art/Wonder-Woman-Encyclopedia-124149565AdamHughes

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Wonder Woman Encyclopedia



Here's a Wonder Woman cover, just finished, for an encyclopedia soon to be published by DC Comics.

This has been sitting on a back burner for months; I posted a work-in-progress for it a while back. [link]

Funny story: this cover came about after I handed in 7 designs for the cover to the animated WW DVD that came out a few months ago. My designs were rejected in favor of animation art, but someone at DC saw the designs and asked if I could finish one for a book cover.

11"X17" pen & ink on Series 300 3-ply Strathmore vellum board, then colored with Photoshop CS2.
Image size
630x801px 429.94 KB
© 2009 - 2024 AdamHughes
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Wicked1-1Malicious's avatar

The true form of Wonder Woman is always breath taking to behold