Mara JadeAdamHughes on DeviantArt

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Mara Jade


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This is a Star Wars card I did for an upcoming TOPPS Star Wars Galaxies series. They usually don't like us to post these beforehand BUT they are using this piece in advertising, so I figure it's OK. The set will be out in a few months.

This is actually based on a convention sketch I did of Mrs. Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, at Star Wars Celebrations Europe. I liked the idea, but I felt the sketch was kinda.... not my best work (the conditions at that show were FAR from comfortable). So, when the next GALAXIES series came around, I was allowed to do this as a finished piece of art.

Done in my usual technique: pencil, India ink, Strathmore Series 500 3 ply illustration board, and then colored in Adobe Photoshop CS2.


I just fixed her eye color; an alert fan :iconmothramonk: let me know I got her eye color wrong.
Image size
514x720px 337.14 KB
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