Action Comics 900AdamHughes on DeviantArt

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Action Comics 900



Year: 2011
Client: DC Comics
Media: Media: Pencil, PITT Pen and COPIC marker on Strathmore Drawing paper, then colored with Adobe Photoshop CS2.

I was very nervous doing this variant cover to ACTION COMICS #900. ACTION COMICS has been in continuous publication since 1938, and with the printed periodical going the way of the dodo, I was awed to be contributing to the 900th issue.

I've been trying to figure out what other American periodicals have been in continuous monthly publication as long. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC? TIME? It staggers the mind.

My idea? A variation on the classic 'Superman breaking chains' image started by Joe Shuster, echoed brilliantly by Neal Adams in the classic "Kryptonite... No More!" issue, and many others. It's an iconic image, and done correctly, I think one can dip into iconic waters without drowning in nostalgia.

A fun cover, altogether; I just have to return Superman's hair to Alec Baldwin now.
Image size
496x752px 425.06 KB
© 2011 - 2025 AdamHughes
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