adaman77's avatar

574 Watchers120 Deviations
Almost a year I don't upload anything on DA :( 2014 was a very bad year until the end, but I'm doing my best to make things change in better ^^

I made few cosplay albums during the last months - you can look them here:…

Also, I reactivate my Twitter account (made two years ago and never used :XD: ), if you like you can follow me there too:
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Sooo here we are for another giveaway. It’s sooo funny to hold giveaways. I should find the way to host one every now and then for free :XD:

Some news before explanations and rules. (yes, no one will care my news, but I’d like to write something :XD: )

Website updated

Thanks to a friend, now I have at least a decent homepage on my (never used :XD: ) website: The "under construction" page has been removed and now there is a fantastic script showing a random selection of my photos - all taken during cosplay fairs or private photo set. Click on a photo to start the fullscreen view.

I want to cry, it's really beautiful Waaaah! I could not have done it without the help of Bob, the Chessmaster! :squee: 

Wwwadamanit by adaman77

Photo sets

Flag Uk by adaman77 Speaking about photo sets, a note for italian cosplayers: I do photo set for fun, not for work - I dont want/need to be paid. So if you wish a photo set in some good location of one of your cosplay, and you are satisfied with my mediocre skill feel free to ask me. I live in north Italy, I'm happy to travel around :)
ItalyFlag by adaman77 Parlando di foto set, una nota per i cosplayer italiani: faccio foto per divertimento, non è il mio lavoro, non voglio essere pagato. Se desiderate un photo set di un vostro cosplay in una bella location dalle vostri parti, e se vi accontante della mia mediocre abilità scrivetemi! Abito nel nord Italia, mi muovo volentieri in zona :)
(...oltre alla skill mediocre aggiungeteci anche tempi di pubblicazioni secolari :XD: )

Thank you for all the smiles :) by adaman77

Works in progress

Atm I'm still working on Lucca Comics photos. Thursday to Saturday done, just miss Sunday. Half way done also the album for Eleonora and Giulia , then I need to work with the Eyeshield 21, Korra and Mako sets. And then finally Novegro Festival del Fumetto (fair done at the beginning of February).

Mantova Comics and Cartoomics in Milan are coming in march. I will be very busy ò_ò

Giveaway #3 - Support an Artist Huggle! 

Soon it will be (again) my birthday.
Young cosplayers in fairs have begun to address me with "excuse me sir" instead of "hi!".
I have become really old. :(
Anyway birthday is a good opportunity to make a gift, isn’t it? ^^

The Valentine Day Giveaway was really a nice experience. I loved to read your comments. Thus, I had the idea to host a similar one - but this time, instead gifting some points to a person you love, you can gift a 12 month premium to an active artist on DeviantArt who, in you opinion, deserves to be supported - and could make good use of premium :)
To say it clear: you win the raffle – the 12 months pm prize will go to another account(s) of your choice. But do not worry, you will win something too: there are also 3 months of pm for the winner of the raffle. Winner 

How to enter

1) Fav this journal
You will receive an entry number. You can check your entry number clicking on this journal favorites, on the right

2) Write a comment with the DA username you'll like to support
Suggestion: use Da Username by adaman77 to mention him/her!

If you win, this person will receive the 12 month premium! 3 months pm for you also :)
It is not mandatory, but it will be very nice if you’ll write also why you'll like to support this artist, and link some of his/her deviations Gallery 
Even if you'll not win, don't miss the opportunity to show your love! Heart 


   Bullet; Blue   You CAN indicate anyone you'll like to support – but please: he/she must be an artist who is really using often DA and who cant afford a pm. Be nice :)
   Bullet; Blue   You CAN’T indicate accounts already premium, accounts with less than 6 months of life, plzaccounts and so
   Bullet; Blue   You CAN'T indicate yourself, but of course you are free to ask friends to fav and comment this journal indicating you. More people will suggest you, more chances you’ll have to win!
   Bullet; Blue   You CAN indicate up to 4 artists instead of just one. The 12 months will be divided (2 artists will receive 6 months each, 4 will receive 3 months... ).
        Valentine Day GA teach me that sometimes make a choice may angering someone else ;)
   Bullet; Blue   You CAN decide to renounce to your 3 months prize and give em all to the artist. (I will award then 15 months).


You can join until the 16th of march (included).

Winners & prizes

On 17th march morning, as soon as I wake up :XD: I will choose the winner via I’ll check his comment and give the premium to who has been indicated.
The winner will receive 3 months premium membership
The artist of his choice will receive 12 months

I will then update this journal.

If something is not clear or you are new to raffle like this, feel free to ask or check my previous giveaways:

   600 Points Valentine Lottery [closed]Oh, well, it seems that February 14th should happen once a year.
I was about to start another giveaway at the beginning of the year, but return to work was heavier than expected... I was quite busy and I still have a lot of photos to process :(
My Album of last Lucca Comics & Games is only half done :( And I already done a photoset (Korra + Mako) and another great fair (Novegro Festival del Fumetto) Waaaah!  I need more free time Waaaah! 
Some other news: on 19th December I got another Daily Deviation!

Special thanks to :iconmrs-durden: and :iconhomunculus888: for having suggested my work :)
Btw! :iconmrs-durden: is collecting prizes for Young Photo Club Group! If you are interested, please check this journal:
   600 Points Giveaway [closed]It is since I’ve joined DA that I keep reading about those giveaway, raffles... They intrigue me, look funny! I’ve always wanted to hold one of them, sooner or later. Guess time has come :XD:
Why now? Well... I’ve just come back from Lucca Comics & Games - the best and biggest comics, games and cosplay fair we have in Italy. It reminds me when I was there last year and I had a bad car accident on my way back home. I don’t know how to describe it correctly in english.. my car got hit by a very big jeep from behind, the thrust was so intense it made my car tip over and land on the car in front of me, then rebounded several times on the road crashing sides of the car and the roof of my (at this point destroyed) vehicle. Fortunately I didn’t get any serious injuries, but I had to rest in bed for one month and for four months I have been away from fairs and events …  :(
But - hey - I’ve been lucky, I'm still here, and back in action! Isn

I'm looking forward your comments to discover new talented artist unknown to me :)

I will try to host more giveaway/events as soon as I can. Keep an eye here on deviantart or on my :facebook: facebook page

   :star: Skyrim - Dovahkiin Helmet by adaman77 :star: Leafa Portrait - Swordart Online by adaman77 :star: Butterfree Humanized by adaman77 :star: Where are you Beast? by adaman77 :star: Tira's Eiserne Drossel by adaman77

Edit 17.03.2014

Sorry If this took me a while but I was busy since early morning with an Assassin Creed photoset  :XD:

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: AND THE WINNER IS... :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

01 Favs by adaman77
02 Random by adaman77
03 Checkwinner by adaman77

03 Winnerchoice by adaman77

 Winner  :iconcyndaquilgirl: wins 3 Months PM  Winner

 Winner  :iconitsbirdyart: wins 12 Months PM  Winner

05 Prizes by adaman77

Thanks to all those who partecipated!
Thank you very much for all art displayed here, as well as your comments! ^_^
I will try to host another giveaway before the summer :)

:facebook: Facebook me

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Oh, well, it seems that February 14th should happen once a year.
I was about to start another giveaway at the beginning of the year, but return to work was heavier than expected... I was quite busy and I still have a lot of photos to process :(

My Album of last Lucca Comics & Games is only half done :( And I already done a photoset (Korra + Mako) and another great fair (Novegro Festival del Fumetto) Waaaah!  I need more free time Waaaah! 

Some other news: on 19th December I got another Daily Deviation!

Special thanks to :iconmrs-durden: and :iconsincebecomeswhy: for having suggested my work :)

Btw! :iconmrs-durden: is collecting prizes for Young Photo Club Group! If you are interested, please check this journal: Can you donate any prize to our competition?

Last, I have activated google analytics for my deviantart page. It is really great to see how many people all around world come to see my photos - as well as finally understand where my pictures are linked / featured :p

Valentine Lottery

This time lets make things more lovely: you win this lottery - points will go to the person you love.

So yes, points will not go to the winner but to your boy/girlfriend, a friend, an artist you love... it's valentine time!

How to enter

1) Fav this journal +fav

You will receive an entry number. You can check your entry number clicking on this journal favorites, on the right

your entry number will be the one at the deadline, because it will continue to change as soon as people fav the journal

2) Write a comment in this journal with a the DA user you want to gift the points

In can be your girl/boyfriend, or just a friend, or an artist you love

A love message it's not mandatory, but very appreciated! Heart 

Even if you'll not win it will be nice to show your love, so dont miss the chance! Heart 

Suggestion: use Da Username by adaman77 to mention him/her! :)

It's a lottery dedicated to people who has a special person in you heart. Dont be greedy  I am a dummy! 

Please do not target fake accounts, plzaccounts or your second account... even if you are the only person you love :XD:

And no, you dont need to watch me. 


13th February (in 6 days)

After the deadline I will select the winner with, then I will send to the account you have indicated points as well as your love message.

I will edit this journal with the winner.

I will host another giveaway on march - I had a very nice idea I'd like to try as soon as possible! But For this time... lets just "valentine" it.
Follow me on DeviantArt or on my :facebook: facebook page

And in italian... Buon San Valentino!

  Butterfree Humanized by adaman77
Leafa Portrait - Swordart Online by adaman77     Where are you Beast? by adaman77     Tira's Eiserne Drossel by adaman77     Rydia by adaman77

...and the winner is...

Favs by adaman77

Random by adaman77

Winner by adaman77

Happy Valentine to :iconlaurelinaureo: and :iconadriatan: :)

Winner2 by adaman77

Prize goes to :iconadriatan:

Thanks to all those who participated  - it was really great to read all your comments for your friends :)

I will host another, bigger, giveaway on march - stay tuned :)
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It is since I’ve joined DA that I keep reading about those giveaway, raffles... They intrigue me, look funny! I’ve always wanted to hold one of them, sooner or later. Guess time has come :XD:

Why now? Well... I’ve just come back from Lucca Comics & Games - the best and biggest comics, games and cosplay fair we have in Italy. It reminds me when I was there last year and I had a bad car accident on my way back home. I don’t know how to describe it correctly in english.. my car got hit by a very big jeep from behind, the thrust was so intense it made my car tip over and land on the car in front of me, then rebounded several times on the road crashing sides of the car and the roof of my (at this point destroyed) vehicle. Fortunately I didn’t get any serious injuries, but I had to rest in bed for one month and for four months I have been away from fairs and events …  :(
But - hey - I’ve been lucky, I'm still here, and back in action! Isn’t this a good reason to be happy and hold a DeviantArt giveaway? :XD:

It's my first giveaway so I hope I’ll do everything correctly! I'm doing it just for fun – no need to watch me or visit my gallery (unless you love cosplay photography :) )

And if everything goes fine I'll hold more of them in the short future :)

How to enter
Just fav this journal :+fav: You can check your entry number in the journal favorites.
Note: your entry number will be the one at the deadline, because it will continue to change as soon as people fav the journal.

6th of December (in 10 days).

Winners will be decided on 7th December morning (CET time) via
I will update this journal and send immediately a message to the winners as well as the prizes ofc :XD:

1st will win 300 Points
2nd will win 200 Points
3rd will win 100 Points

Am I forgetting  something? Let's have fun!

Where are you Beast? by adaman77 Tira's Eiserne Drossel by adaman77 Yoko's Portrait by adaman77
  Erza's Purgatory Armour by adaman77  Lei Wulong: Ready, Fight! by adaman77

:facebook: Facebook Page

EDIT 07.12.13

And the winners are...

:iconakemiyukimura: 300 points

:iconbonds-webcomic: 200 points

:iconglassandbrokenhearts: 100 points

Congratulations! :dance:

20130127 Total by adaman77

20131207 Random by adaman77

20130127 Checkfavs by adaman77

Thanks everyone for paartecipating! It was fun and interesting as expected ^^
Thank you for all the comments and suggestions!
I will hold for sure another one, probably in one month after the new year start.
Keep and eye on my DA or :facebook: page! ^^

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Facebook Page

1 min read
I've never used much facebook for my private stuff, but it's always been a very practical way to publish my photos and let cosplayers find them. I made a public page hoping it will be better and easier.

Here it is: :facebook: :facebook:

Here I have uploaded albums from photo sets / fairs from 2012. Previous albums (2009-2011) will remain, for the moment, in
my private profile:
and of course in a better quality in flickr:…
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Back and Twitter by adaman77, journal

12+3 Months Premium GA: Support an Artist [closed] by adaman77, journal

600 Points Valentine Lottery [closed] by adaman77, journal

600 Points Giveaway [closed] by adaman77, journal

Facebook Page by adaman77, journal