Sniper team [Fo:E]Adalbertus on DeviantArt

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Adalbertus's avatar

Sniper team [Fo:E]



This took some time to finish.
Short story behind it: I was watching this documentary about snipers on youtube and than I talked to GoneDreamer. I described her some of the details of Fallout Equestria setting and few things about the RPG session I'm hosting and how an alternative version of my OC, Amber Drop (who's an NPC in the RPG), was a soldier during the great war before Equestria went Boom. And in the process of making up the story we kinda came up with this idea that her OC, Rain Dancer knew Amber and that she'd be a sniper or something similar and, well, this happened.

As for the story in the picture... I honestly have no idea, feel free co comment with some ideas =P

Amber Drop is mine
Rain Dancer belongs to :icongonedreamer:

Fallout: Equestria was created by Kkat
Image size
1600x1200px 1.05 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Adalbertus
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FalconsGrace's avatar
Wow, the intensity in this piece can be felt from my screen.