Security has arrivedAdalbertus on DeviantArt

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Security has arrived



Here's so mere Blackjack goodness form me
This picture took way longer than hoped it would and in the end I was mad that I didn't draw her without the outlines.
and there was suppose to be more stuff there, but, as I said, it took way too much time to make.

And before anyone asks, yes, I was greatly inspired by this awesome art:
Run, shoot, kill... and cry... by RubleGun
go see it if you haven't.

Blackjack is the main character of Fallout Equesrtria spin-off Project Horizons written by Somber. 
Image size
1600x1200px 1.44 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Adalbertus
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P0NFIR3's avatar
Czyli rozumiem Prodżekt Horizonz jest tak samo wart przeczytania jak normalne FoE? :P Dopiero co FoE skończyłem i wsysło mnie niesamowicie mimo, że w żadnego z Falloutów nie grałem :P (aczkolwiek kocham postapo)

A co do obrazka, fajnie Ci wyszło. Jak zawsze (prawie :D) :P