Adaera's avatar


149 Watchers212 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (18)
My Bio

Current Residence: Langley BC
Favourite genre of music: Definitely Not Rap
Favourite photographer: Those on my Friends list
Favourite style of art: The colours and moods of Mother Nature
Operating System: High Octane Caffeine
MP3 player of choice: WinMedia
Shell of choice: Pretty Ones
Skin of choice: My own
Favourite cartoon character: Scooby Doo

Favourite Movies
Favourite TV Shows
Motive, Bates Motel, Vikings, Reign, Game of Thrones & the now cancelled Arctic Air and Almost Human
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Enya, Hammerfall, Sonata Arctica, DragonForce, Scorpions, Judas Priest, The Who
Favourite Writers
Lord Byron and other neurotic poets
Favourite Games
This changes often.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360 & Wii U...and 3DS
Tools of the Trade
Canon Rebel T3, Canon Power Shot S3 IS, Canon A590, PhotoShop, Wacom Graphire, Corel Painter
Other Interests
Photography, Journalism, Reading, History
First - thank you to every one for the faves, features and follows (I know it's watch, but I didn't want to break the flow). You've all been incredibly busy, and I'll make it around to all of your galleries at some point in the near future.I can't believe it's been almost a year since I last updated my journal. I haven't had much time to get out and spend some quality time with my camera as I'd like - then again, time management has always been an issue. If I had more time to manage, there might be some improvement, though - and as a painful lesson over the past week brought to the forefront, we never know how much time we really have. I l...
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If you answered yes, then head out to the Agricultural Inn in Braunton, North Devon this coming Sunday, September 7 to catch some young musical artists put on a show that will move you. The show starts at 7:30pm with a door admission of £3 and will be featuring a sensory feast of live music, special effects and visual media. This is your chance to catch some very talented up-and-coming artists who are well on their way to topping the rock charts. Headlining group Mendella will be venturing into the studio this fall to record their first commercial CD, which is scheduled for release Spring 2009. Don't miss this chance to see the new generat...
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Yes, I'm lazy - I stole the title of my last blog on my personal site (as those of you who read it know), and I'm going to steal most of my last blog off of there too, just because I can.Anyway, as I said in the title....Coming up for air …and taking a deep breath before rolling into the next list of projects. August has certainly been an incredible month - Digital Storm, Mendella here for a two week tour, the Abbotsford Airshow - busy, tiring, but oh so fun.While the tournament component of Digital Storm wasn't as well attended as we'd hoped it would be, those who came to play had fun. It's too bad the weekend was marred by a thief who ma...
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Profile Comments 3.7K

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Tami, what a delight to see a fave from you, it's been such a long time here without you..
How are you doing my friend, we have all been rather wondering why the absence.
Would love to hear from you again...
Big hugs.
I just discovered your photography, and it's absolutely lovely. I hope one day you'll return and I'll get to chat with you <3
Where are you my friend. We used to have such a giggle...

Sun shine blessings for the favours, Tami m'deer :iconwineplz::relax:
A very late thanks for the :+fav: Tami.