Current Residence: Skopje Print preference: <a href=""... src="s03.flagcoun Favourite cartoon character: Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny Personal Quote: Perfection or death
We are all grown ups but we still love playing with our dolls :):thumb140942580: :thumb140659210: :thumb141086030:
:thumb141020390: :thumb140889203: :thumb140553493:FEAUTURES::thumb100058814::thumb100614046::thumb99971707:
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Ani & Dimi, Happy Birthday to you, and many mooorrre. A pinch to grow an inch. A slug to grow like a bug. A friend to give you a hug. And dA to give you a ton of love. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" May all your wishes & dreams come true. I wish you a very long happy healthy life!!! "I wish you all the very best in the art world & beyond"!!!