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RageAgainst theMachine-Contest



FINALLY! After a month of Pyro dawdling and procrastinating, the next Acolytes-Base fanart contest has arrived! Rage against the machine! The challenge: draw the acolytes somehow interacting with technology! :headbang: It doesn't have to actually be RAGE; that is just a catchy title :D


1.) Must have the Acolyte Boys! Them being Magneto, Pyro, Gambit, Colossus, Mastermind and/or Sabertooth! More than one would be nice, as this is the Acolytes PLURAL club, but at LEAST one must be included.

2.) KEEP to the theme! There MUST be technology in your art, and there must be Acolytes.

3.) Nothing rated over R! That means no vibrators in compromising positions! Keep the technology mild enough for the innocent :D

4.) You can enter up to TWO times! TWO entries! 2.

5.) Send your entry in a note to :iconacolytes-base:!!

Contest Entry Dates:

May 6, 2008 to July 6, 2008

You have TWO MONTHS. GO! :headbang:

About this promo. :iconvaloofle: drew it and OHMYGOSH it took her forever, and she wants you all to know and appreciate it, as she has never drawn a comic before in her life. FEEL HONORED. :heart: And ENTER!!

:flame: ~Pyro~ :flame:


Contest has been extended an extra month from lack of entries.

New finishing date: 6th August

Image size
1265x2683px 776.52 KB
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Linx8489's avatar
Piotr:dose he realize????
Remy:we didn't see anything.......