Lip Painting Tutorialacidlullaby on DeviantArt

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acidlullaby's avatar

Lip Painting Tutorial



I've been meaning to make one for a while now, lips are the simplest things in the world to paint but it's actually deceptively hard if you don't know what you're doing (and I don't really either, but... hopefully I know just about enough to pass on some wisdom). Meh, anyway, I used Photoshop CS but it should work with just about any painting software in the world.

Hmmm, sorry if some of the things on here isn't very clear, feel free to ask questions.

P.S I'll probably make a better one when I'm not feeling so lethargic.

Check out:

[link] for How to Paint Eyes


[link] for Portrait Painting; i.e. everything from skin tone to hair to lighting :)
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700x3006px 381.09 KB
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