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achibner's avatar




Okay, so the official winner of the 20k screencap contest bit was Desdinova84! He didn’t have a screencap but no one else came forward and the 20k thing kind of got spoiled a bit anyway due to certain other party’s actions. So he wins!

Unfortunately, when he was presented with his prize of a free commission, Desdinova tried to talk me out of it claiming he didn’t want to be a bother yada yada. So I had to push him a bit to accept it (I must not be doing very well when I need to twist someone’s arm in order to get them to accept a free commission, err).

So, since his request was rather unspecific and vague and thus posing some difficulty for my feeble skill; I headed over to his DA page for inspiration and spied what looked a lot like an undead warlock and his pet succubus from World of Warcraft.

And here we are, I went out on a limb and painted for him a WoW Succubus. I hope he likes it!

On a side note, incase you were wondering, yes I am a recovering WoW addict. I have been on the wagon for nearly 2 years now!

Done in Photoshop CS2, about 10-12 hours. HATE the Alliance.

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1054x1092px 207.06 KB
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Kal-el4's avatar
DAY-UMM! She can drain me anytime!