acheronnights on DeviantArt

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Glitter 12 - Starfeild



If you need a smaller version of this or need it in a RAR to make downloading easier, please let me know.

I decided to take ...*checks*... 272 photos of a piece of paper with some glitter on it.  On their own they aren't significant or interesting, but I'm combining them together to make some textures.  I have something I want to do with them, but I figure they may come in handy for other people too.  These will be roughly 15 images combined together to look cool.

This is what I wanted all the glitter shots for!  I was going to save uploading until I used this myself, because I am selfish, but I decided to upload now instead.

Unrestricted Stock
None.  Have fun!

I would love to see what you do with it though, so link in here if you want to show me.  I fave anything made with my resources.
Image size
9002x6752px 56.03 MB
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