Negrito Elegant Rocket Dock skinacg3fly on DeviantArt

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acg3fly's avatar

Negrito Elegant Rocket Dock skin

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Blanco Chispas by acg3fly  Tablon by acg3fly  Rocketdock skin Gris asu lado by acg3fly
Anothers skins for Rockedock

Ahora les vengo compartiendo este skin para el RocketDock
Tiene algunas cosas extras que he modificado, adentro estan las instrucciones para cambiarlas
El programa RocketDock lo pueden descargar de aqui:
El StackDocklet lo descargan de aqui:…
Bueno ojala les guste gracias.

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:bulletred: If you want to spare one point please visit my profile

:typerhappy: Thank you very much..

Now i want to share with you guys this skin for RocketDock
Has a few extras that i modified and inside are the instructions to replaced them
The program RocketDock you can download from here:
The StackDocklets you can download from here:…
Thankk you

:bulletorange: Visit my…

:bulletred: If you want to spare one point please visit my profile

:typerhappy: Thank you very much..
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yereverluvinuncleber's avatar
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Overall
:star::star-half::star-empty::star-empty::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

I really like it. The icons are clearly the work of a professional. However, I don't see the over-arching 'theme'. They are all individual, high quality icons that show a great deal of skill and of course they look very nice indeed but... and there is a but... I can't see the single connecting element that links them all.

A theme connect the items so that they all look good together, yours look good individually but personally I can't see the theme. I created a series of steampunk icons myself and even though some of the individual icons aren't as high quality as yours, they sit nicely together and convey an immediate impression of togetherness. Everyone who sees them knows what the artist is trying to convey, I am unsure what your icon set is trying to convey.