Zlesdin Imports - CLOSED Raffle/Mystery RaffleAcetoma on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/acetoma/art/Zlesdin-Imports-CLOSED-Raffle-Mystery-Raffle-1118425648Acetoma

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Zlesdin Imports - CLOSED Raffle/Mystery Raffle



Zlesdin Imports


Hello! I'm back with a tablet and a working pc and an art program I made some Zlesdin to celebrate!!


Roll Date: November 9th 2024 (Saturday) Evening.

xtra raffle mystery horse was given away to the watchers of the roll stream and won by @Libertas268


-Notice: These are all RAFFLES, the left side is a mystery raffle which means the horse will be revealed at the end of the raffle, the right side is just plain old ponies up for grabs <3 but they are cute

-The Results will be run through Random.org list function

now the rules

-Obviously no bickering, fighting, nasty stuff etc. let's be adults here!

- You must register these horses with @Zlesdin

-You CANNOT change the breed, Genotype or Color

-Small design changes are allowed just ask me about them!

-you CAN change the given name, gender, personality, Suggested discipline, it's just fun to give the imports some life~

-Credit me as the designer ^^

-You can enter for as many horses as you want but only once (for example you can comment for Dorian and Sundance but not more than one entry for each)

-Please keep to the comments to keep it clean ty!

- Have fun and good luck!


Horse 1: MYSTERY - Entry Thread

WINNER - @StormieTehHorsie


Suggested For: Dressage

Color: Dunalino Sabino

Genotype: ee/aa/nCr/nD/nSb

- Tired: I never really wake up, it might be best for me to compete in a slower discipline

- Will try to eat grass every time you're on a ride, no matter what is done to prevent it.

- Has no knowledge of personal space, Ow, my foot!

-I don’t mind rivers, or lakes. But puddles? NO. No way! I’m not going there!

-Nice handling manners and stands when instructed.

Horse 2: Entry Thread

WINNER - @Razztazz1

"La Comète"


Suggested For: Unknown...

Color: Silver Bay (Birdcatcher Spots)

Geno: Ee/AA/nZ/nf

-Made-of-stone; I don’t feel anything. Those heels you’re pressing into my side? Nothing. The pulling on the reins? Don’t feel it.

-Not vocal

-Good in the bath stall, rub-a-dub-dub!

-Paces and paws when tied

-Great with children!

Horse 3: MYSTERY - Entry Thread

WINNER - @Alphawolf-9

"Black Out Days"


Suggested For: Cross Country

Color: Blue Roan Sabino

Geno: EE/aa/RR/nSb

- Surefooted; I know where my feet are at all times. I don’t fall. I don’t stumble.

- Paces and paws when tied

-Will stand for hours under saddle if that's what you really want...

-I don’t mind rivers, or lakes. But puddles? NO. No way! I’m not going there!

- Horrible to lead (jigging, going sideways, bumping into you, stepping on toes)

Horse 4: Entry Thread

WINNER - @Digi-Riff



Suggested For: Show Jumping

Color: Perlino

Geno: Ee/Aa/CrCr

- Flip-switch; WHOA! LETS RUN!...no, I don’t want to run, lets walk….okay, I’ll do as you say-nope. Don’t go there. Oh hey, other horses. Hello-wait, go away!

-Hard to lead

- Independent, I don't mind moving away from a group of horses

-Stop, let me eat. There’s really good grass here. Leave me alone.

-You must earn my trust to ride me.

Horse 5: MYSTERY - Entry Thread

"Starburst Galactica Lord of the Universe"

*Name provided by Ryan Reid Jr.

WINNER - @SaturnianShadows


Suggested For: Show Jumping

Color: Silver Buckskin Apron Sabino

Geno: Ee/Aa/nCr/nZ/nSb(Apr)

- Picky; only you can ride me. That’s it. The other person can’t ride. Oh…and him too I guess…but if he makes one mistake; he’s off!

- Always rubs head on something when the bridle is taken off

- Herd sour, if you ride me in a group I won't want to leave them

- When startled, I buck. Then I decide whether or not I should run away.

- Only likes certain people

Horse 6: Entry Thread

WINNER - @Quemahoning



Suggested For:

Color: Black

Geno: EE/aa

- Repeat; I don’t mind doing things over and over again. It’s all good.

- Can untie their self

- Doesn't really enjoy being pet and loved on, but loves you all the same

- I like touching things before I jump them. I tap them with my nose, hooves or just rub against them. If they don’t bite, I’ll jump.

-Hard to groom, I'll kick you if you touch my tail again!


@Zoubstance (c) Zlesdin Breed and Import Sheet

@Acetoma (c) Designs/Personality Maker

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