Master of My UniverseAbyssalEros on DeviantArt

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Master of My Universe



As a child, I was the master of my universe. Everything was possible. All I had to do was reach out my hand.
Nowadays, many years later, I feel like the slave of someone else’s universe.
But sometimes, I can feel how my hand is reaching out to something intangible to break those bonds and be the master of my universe once more.
Rendered with DAZ Studio 4.14 in Iray with a bit of postwork in Photoshop (Camera Raw adjustments) for Renderosity's 3D Doll Contest 2021, and managed to achieve third place.
The basis for Battle Cat's texture was a white tiger I carefully and manually recolored in Photoshop. He-Man's armor is kit-bashed.
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1920x1080px 3 MB
© 2021 - 2025 AbyssalEros
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