AbyssalEros on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/abyssaleros/art/An-Evening-at-Monsters-Rest-874333755AbyssalEros

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An Evening at Monsters' Rest


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When the sun has set, and the so-called decent folk is already fast asleep, the candles are lit in the Monsters' Rest at the end of the known worlds. Here then, all those creatures of fantasy gather to have a chat and enjoy some drinks. And to mourn the loss of dear companions, fallen through the hands of good-for-nothing adventurers in their greedy quest for gold and glory.
Rendered in one pass with DAZ Studio 4.14 in Iray with a bit of postwork in Photoshop for Renderosity's Animals & Creatures Contest. The image made third place.
There are 13 creatures in that image, but you need to zoom into the stews to find the fly.
Image size
1200x742px 1.66 MB
© 2021 - 2024 AbyssalEros
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QDLA's avatar

Saw this on your Patreon, this piece is just amazing, the lightning on it is just magical, must have been hard work ! Also makes me want to play some D&D session with more creatur-esque characters !