AbyssalEmissary on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/abyssalemissary/art/Time-trapped-844191305AbyssalEmissary

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AbyssalEmissary's avatar

Time trapped



The question, if this hourglass trick would work, was worth all the great and powerful shoveling in the Ponyville school sandbox.
The answer, though, was no.

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For Equestria Dailys Newbie Artist Training Grounds X, Day 1: "Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony stuck in time"

Here we go again! Another Newbie Artist Training Ground, another month of sleep deprivation. I don't think I can draw every day, but hey, I didn't think that the first time too. So let's just see what happens.

This drawing was made with the Faber Castell PITT artist pen an my regular paper and tinted a bit on the PC.
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My Little Pony: FiM developed by :iconfyre-flye:

My Little Pony is © Hasbro
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1438x2048px 1.51 MB
© 2020 - 2024 AbyssalEmissary
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LennyStendhal13's avatar

Uh-oh ^^; Trixie, did you cast the wrong spell again? :giggle: Nice idea for the "Pony stuck in time" prompt! :D