[TyranoBuilder 1.8]Centering and ColoringNameField by 8oni, journal
[TyranoBuilder 1.8]Centering and ColoringNameField
HiWatch video tutorial here :Download video here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jjg4bCUK_kGj4LRBY5phfspn65mgxv2r/view?usp=sharingThere is only 2 codes used here so there is no project example it's easy to do.
Here is the codes used : [clearfix name="8oni"]
[ptext layer="fix" x="420" y="374" text="Red" zindex="102" size="30" face="Arial" color="0xFF0000" name=Red]
[TyranoBuilder 1.8] Check Special Name Input by 8oni, journal
[TyranoBuilder 1.8] Check Special Name Input
HiWatch video tutorial here :Download video here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/14OOR3dhxvOiy3Ho8sH6eOBRSyGLkoh9o/view?usp=sharingAll codes used : [edit name="f.name" left="380" top="350" width="260" height="40" size="30" maxchars="20" initial="8oni"]
[button graphic="config/arrow_next.png" target="*Part1_Commit" x="440" y="430"][commit]
; [cm] Release the free layer. The input field is locate on the free layer, so this removes the input field.
[freeimage layer="1"][if exp="f.name=='8oni' "]
@ jump target=*8oni
@ jump target=*Normal
You can download the project example here :
Yesterday I started use this site, I dont finished the uploads, but now I updated the Titles and description with video links, because I have some recorded process. I hope you will enjoy it :)
Oh, I have a surprise for you now that I have a little money to spend. Hope you enjoy it and get your CORE eventually (that was just me that donated 100 points to you by the way, but it says anonymous)