Walkthrough VideotutorialAbuze on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/abuze/art/Walkthrough-Videotutorial-47348503Abuze

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Abuze's avatar

Walkthrough Videotutorial



warning - HUUUGGGEEEE FILE (about 20 mb) and sorry for my really really crappy english.

to go on - click on the arrows next to the "restart" button

Hi guys,
some people asked me how i am drawing my pictures- so i decided to record a little video to show my work process -

as you can see it is the german version of photoshop - so i will explain some of the things i did while i was drawing this piece so everyone can understand it :).

- i started with a simple sketch and cleaned it up a little bit (flipping the canvas is a good way to see the mistakes you made- that way you have some kind of different view on the picture and can find them more easily)

- i created a new layer over my sketch layer and set the mode to ---multiply---. here i did the flat colours and painted all over the picture

- after that i created an ---adjustment layer--- ( layers>adjustment layer>curves) and played around with the settings so i got a darker picture. now i filled the adjustment layer with a black colour and started painting on it -- and there we have shadows :D

- i added a new curves adjustment layer and set the mode to ---screen--- and worked just like the layer before- fill it with black and paint on it with white

- when im satisfied with the lights and shadows I create a new layer on top of all the layers and start painting on top of it all - when im finished you almost wont see anything of the outlines :)

- i added a new adjustment layer on top of this one (you already know how this works now ;)) and lightened up the shadows a bit

- when im finished with that i do some final color corrections et voila :)
Image size
790x608px 21.02 MB
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yasico's avatar
Thank you!
It was very helpful! =3