beautiful gallery
I love your works so much!!!
Hi JayAlamArt. I cruised your gallery and am impressed. You create really unique works. What is your medium? Is it water color or acrylic?
My name is Jeani Rector, and I am the editor of the ezine and print magazine titled The Horror Zine. We are not just horror; we are surreal, mystery, suspense, sci-fi, and fantasy. Please feel free to check us out at
I would love to display some of your artwork on the ezine. There is no charge and you would receive full credit. Please visit our Art Section to see how it is done here:
If you are interested, please email me at and I hope to hear from you.
Jeani Rector, Editor
Congrats for an excellent gallery showcasing your artwork. You have a nice fluid style to your watercolors.
Amazing gallery! You're so talented!
Thank you thank you!
Beautiful paintings, I love your expressive style!