Abrgomez on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/abrgomez/art/Vis-tan-65065569Abrgomez

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An OS-tan [link] representing Windows Vista (not sure which version)
She's the design from the Japanese imageboard Nijiura.com. Futaba already has another design (Vistake and Visbou), but I don't like them at all. I like this version more, so I drew her.

lol gradients. Forget solid shading, gradients are the future! (at least until I can airbrush in a fast way using a mouse. That or until I get a tablet) But they cause the .PSD to be 75mb heavy...
IMHO, this one surpasses anything else I have done before. Could have been done better, but right now I have no idea of how. Generic pose, etc.
I had no idea of what kind of background I should use, so I just stole the Aurora default wallpaper from Windows Vista :D

Critique Encouraged.

EDIT: updated, now more SHIIIIINYYYYYYY
EDIT Nov 11, 07: Messing around because I have nothing better to do. Impossible cleavage fixed(?), new ear. Still need to work on her left arm.

Backgroundless png: [link]
Image size
1158x1440px 447.55 KB
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NanamiMadobe23's avatar

She is sexy Chiivistan best OS-Tan ever Windows Vista Best OS.