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Ablackwind's avatar

Lady de Beauharnais



:icondonotuseplz::iconmyartplz: Lady de Beauharnais Aka-Empress Josephine, first wife of Napolean Bonapart. This is an entry in- :iconmizzd-stock: exclusive stock contest. Thank you to the following stock providers. Female- :iconmizzd-stock:- exclusive stock. Lace handkerchief-made from lace costume trim. Room/floor-:iconstruckdumb: Window-:iconbrokenfeline-stock: Landscape-:iconfairiegoodmother: Portrait frame-:icongabriella-stock: Painting of Napolean-Wikimedia-[link] Curtain, Floral arrangement, floral pedestal, cake plate, floral roses, wallpaper. -:iconlisaolson9293: fireplace, table, teaset- [link] Rug-[link] Afghan hound-[link] Birdcage-:iconbluesse: Dragonfly Brushes-:iconfantasybrushes: All else painted and personal stock. ................................. This piece has beeen featured by -:iconsesam-is-open: Thank you so much. :heart: :blowkiss: ................... MY WORK MAY NOT BE COPIED, EDITED, PUBLISHED, CLAIMED AS YOUR OWN OR UPLOADED IN ANY WAY ANYWHERE. I AM PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW. PLEASE RESPECT.
Image size
950x1225px 1.04 MB
© 2010 - 2024 Ablackwind
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S-T-A-R-gazer's avatar
Your style is really unique Heart