Yo-Yo BraintwisterAbfc on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/abfc/art/Yo-Yo-Braintwister-48954589Abfc

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Yo-Yo Braintwister



Just for the record... As much as it may sound like it, I didn't make up this trick or the name for it.
If you watch the video, you'll probably notice that I skipped a part, at the end. That part, in fact is not part of the trick, if you watch more of the videos of this guy at the web site, under the second tab (official something, too lazy to go there and find out) you'll notice that's his way of returning the yoyo to his hand. (it's called a front bind)
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Tyrolko's avatar
thats not a braintwister. :P
but still, good animation i suppose